AEA Purchasing is an initiative of the Iowa Association of Area Education Agencies (IAAEA). Our goal is to combine the purchasing power of Iowa schools and offer aggressive pricing on materials, goods, and services through a competitive bid process. Our main focus is to save PK-12 educational institutions time and money.
Check out our Buyer's Guide!

AEA Purchasing is also a participating member of the Association of Educational Purchasing Agencies (AEPA). AEPA is a non-profit, multi-state purchasing organization that enables schools of all sizes to purchase at equal buying levels. Being a part of this unique group allows Iowa schools to benefit from contract pricing pricing from national vendors. Contracts are "nationally bid...locally awarded."
Purchasing through our vendor partners comes with many benefits and advantages:
- Competitive pricing
- Dependable vendors
- Order any time all year long
- Frees up valuable staff time
- Low or no minimum purchase requirements
- Advisory committees determine best product/cost value