Flinn Scientific

At Flinnsci.com, you will find everything you need to inspire and engage your students. From lab supplies and instruments to hands-on kits and rich digital content, everything is designed to save you time and help you deliver the best possible learning experience to your students, regardless of science discipline and wherever the learning may take place.

  • Contact
  • Ordering
  • Contract Info

Vendor Contact
Dean Pesare
Contract # AEA – AEPA IFB 024-C
K-12 Account Manager
(630) 389-3805

Hillary Salazar
Contract # AEA – AEPA IFB 024-C
Digital Sales
(630) 389-3801
Flinn Scientific | Science Lab Equipment Chemistry Supplier & Tools
Social Media: @flinnscientific

How to Order

Districts can order online at www.flinnsci.com.

Enter “AEPA” in the coupon code section at the time of checkout and the discount and terms will be applied.




On the PO reference “AEPA” and the contract will be applied.

You can also request “AEPA” when asking for a quote.


Questions? Please reach out to businessdesk@flinnsci.com.


10% discount

Contract Information

Cooperative Name AEA Purchasing/AEPA
Contract Name Digital Resources & Instructional Materials
Contract Number AEA – AEPA IFB 024-C
Contract Term Contract and extensions possible through 2/28/28
Categories Office & Classroom
Marketing Contract Flyer
AEPA master Nationally Bid, Locally Awarded. This contract was competitively bid on a national level by AEPA, of which AEA Purchasing is a member. Visit www.aepacoop.org for more information.
  • Info

    Vendor Contact
    Dean Pesare
    Contract # AEA – AEPA IFB 024-C
    K-12 Account Manager
    (630) 389-3805

    Hillary Salazar
    Contract # AEA – AEPA IFB 024-C
    Digital Sales
    (630) 389-3801
    Flinn Scientific | Science Lab Equipment Chemistry Supplier & Tools
    Social Media: @flinnscientific

  • Contact
  • Ordering

    How to Order

    Districts can order online at www.flinnsci.com.

    Enter “AEPA” in the coupon code section at the time of checkout and the discount and terms will be applied.




    On the PO reference “AEPA” and the contract will be applied.

    You can also request “AEPA” when asking for a quote.


    Questions? Please reach out to businessdesk@flinnsci.com.

  • Contract Info


    10% discount

    Contract Information

    Cooperative Name AEA Purchasing/AEPA
    Contract Name Digital Resources & Instructional Materials
    Contract Number AEA – AEPA IFB 024-C
    Contract Term Contract and extensions possible through 2/28/28
    Categories Office & Classroom
    Marketing Contract Flyer
    AEPA master Nationally Bid, Locally Awarded. This contract was competitively bid on a national level by AEPA, of which AEA Purchasing is a member. Visit www.aepacoop.org for more information.
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