Daktronics designs, manufacturers, builds and installs scoreboards, video displays, electronic message centers, pool timing systems, indoor and outdoor sound systems and rigging.
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- Contract Info
Vendor Contact
Brett Lyon
Contract #AEPA 024-F
Loni Haar
Contract #AEPA 024-F
Or to find your dedicated sales rep, visit Daktronics’ sales and services page online.
How to Order
Contact Daktronics to request a quote.
To receive your discount, you must inform Daktronics that you are requesting AEA Purchasing pricing.
At least a 10% discount on most catalog items
Contract Information
Cooperative Name | AEA Purchasing / AEPA |
Contract Name | Digital Displays |
Contract Number | AEPA 024-F |
Contract Term | Contract and extensions possible through 2/28/28 |
Marketing | Daktronics Flyer |
Categories | Athletics & PE |
Nationally Bid, Locally Awarded. This contract was competitively bid on a national level by AEPA, of which AEA Purchasing is a member. Visit www.aepacoop.org for more information. |
Vendor Contact
Brett Lyon
Contract #AEPA 024-F
515-473-8892Loni Haar
Contract #AEPA 024-F
515-419-5849Or to find your dedicated sales rep, visit Daktronics’ sales and services page online.
How to Order
Contact Daktronics to request a quote.
To receive your discount, you must inform Daktronics that you are requesting AEA Purchasing pricing. -
Contract Info
At least a 10% discount on most catalog itemsContract Information
Cooperative Name AEA Purchasing / AEPA Contract Name Digital Displays Contract Number AEPA 024-F Contract Term Contract and extensions possible through 2/28/28 Marketing Daktronics Flyer Categories Athletics & PE Nationally Bid, Locally Awarded. This contract was competitively bid on a national level by AEPA, of which AEA Purchasing is a member. Visit www.aepacoop.org for more information. -